How do I schedule an appointment?

Click on the book appointment links on the homepage.  There is one link if you are a patient of Dr. Serota’s Colorado practice and another link for an app called Amwell if you are from another state.  You can select any available date/time from the calendar.  You will receive an email confirmation and a reminder 15 min prior to your appointment.

How are appointments performed?

Using Facetime on any ios device.  Dr. Serota will Facetime you at the time of your appointment at the number you registered with.  If you don't have an ios device you will use Skype by calling the username: mjserota

How is billing handled?

We bill and document your visit through your usual dermatology office using the same codes and visit notes that would be used if you saw the doctor in person.  We add a "modifier" to the codes to let your insurance know it was a virtual visit.

How are prescriptions handled?

Prescriptions are electronically sent to your preferred pharmacy at the time of your visit.

Can the doctor really diagnose and treat me virtually?

Yes!  Many skin conditions can be easily diagnosed and treated virtually.  In fact the dermatology board exam use photos on most questions to test diagnostic skills.  Some examples of conditions treated virtually include: Acne, rashes, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, colds sores just to name a few.  High quality photos are always preferable to relying just on video.